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Research Grant – BI/Nº63 – 13/10/2021 – QuantSat Full-time

de Instituto de Telecomunicações Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 14-10-2021)

A research position for one Bolsa de Investigação Licenciado is opened at Instituto de Telecomunicações, in the scope of the internal project QuantSat-PT ? Portuguese Quantum Communications Cube-Satellite: Development of the Quantum Payload and Preliminary Design of the Space Segment. This project is funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds and when applicable co-funded EU funds under the project UIDB/50008/2020.
Additional description: Managing the preliminary design of the space segment, namely the mission planning, the preliminary analysis of structural and thermal issues as well as coordinating the studies leading to the preliminary design of the EPS, Comms and ADCS systems needed for the QuantSat-PT platform.

Scientific Area:
Networks and Services

Network Architectures and Protocols ? Lx

Admission Requirements:
Research grants are intended:
  • for students enrolled in a degree-conferring course to carry out R&D activities with the aim to consolidate their scientific training through the development of research work leading to the attainment of the respective academic degree or completion of the course (integrated or not in R&D projects).

  • for students enrolled in courses that do not confer an academic degree but which are integrated in an educational project of a higher education institution and are developed in association or cooperation with one or several R&D units.

  • In what concerns the admission requirements for this research grant in particular:

  • BSc degree in Aerospace Engineering.

  • Enrolment in a Master degree in Aerospace Engineering.

  • Managing skills.

  • Work Objectives:
    Managing, in the role of QuantSat-PT Systems Engineer, the following tasks:
    i) Mission Planning;
    ii) Preliminary structural and thermal analysis;

    iii) Coordination of the other activities needed in the preliminary design of the space segment.

    Applicable legislation:
    A fellowship will be celebrated according to the regulations defined by FCT, ?Regulation of Instituto de Telecomunicações? fellowships? and ?Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação?, according to Law no. 123/2019, dated August 28 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow), in its actual redaction, and also by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. Fellowship Regulation of Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia. For direct access to the FCT RBI go to the following link https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt (Reg. 950/2019, published in the DR of 16 December).

    Place of work:
    The work will be developed at the premises of Instituto de Telecomunicações ? IST, at Taguspark, under the supervision of Professor Rui Rocha.

    12 months, with the possibility of renewal. Start date: November 16th, 2021 or soon thereafter.

    Monthly salary:
    835,98? according to the table of grant amounts awarded directly by FCT for positions held in Portugal (www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). The payment will be made by bank transfer.

    Selection criteria:
    • C1 (50%)
      Curriculum vitae/Academic evaluation

    • C2 (50%)
      Suitability of the candidates? profile to the project based on the relevant work experience for fulling the goals aforementioned

    Each criteria, and the final classification F will be evaluated in a scale (0-20). The candidates will be ordered according to:

    F = C1 x 50% + C2 x 50%

    In case of a tie, the tied candidates will be ordered according to C1, then C2...

    The Jury has the right to not admit any of the candidates that applied for this position whenever they consider that no candidate meets the minimum requirements for the position.

    • Prof. Yasser Rashid Revez Omar, Instituto Superior Técnico (President of the jury)

    • Prof. Manfred Niehus, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa

    • Prof. Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes, Instituto Superior Técnico

    • Prof. Paulo Sergio de Brito Andre, Instituto Superior Técnico (Substitute)

    Communication of the results:
    Results will be published at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa. The selected candidate will be notified by email.

    Required Documents:
    Motivation letter explaining the interest in the position, Detailed Curriculum Vitae with transcripts, degree certificate, and proof of enrollment in a higher education course.

    All the selection process is conducted through the IT web portal. No actions outside this platform are valid.

    Application Period:
    14-10-2021 to 27-10-2021

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    Empregos recentes de Instituto de Telecomunicações

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