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Professor(a) Catedrático Full-time

de ISCSP-ULisboa Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 01-06-2021)

1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa
1. Job description


Professor(a) Catedrático
Job/Fellowship Reference: Edital n.º 609/2021, Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º 105 de 31 de maio - Catedrático Ciências da Comunicação

Main research field: Not available

Sub research field:

Job summary:

International recruitment procedure for one position of Full Professor in the disciplinary field of Communication Sciences at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP-ULisboa), under a contract of employment in public functions for an indefinite period

Job description:
PUBLIC NOTICE The Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, for 30 working days from the publication of the Portuguese version of the notice in ?Diário da República?, opens an international recruitment procedure for one position of Full Professor in the disciplinary field of Communication Sciences at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP-ULisboa), under a contract of employment in public functions for an indefinite period. The international recruitment procedure is open in accordance with articles 37.º to 51.º, 61.º and 62.º-A of the University Teaching Career Statues (hereinafter referred to as ECDU), republished by Decree-Law no. 205/2009 of August 31st and other applicable legislation, namely the General Regulations for the Recruitment of Full, Associate and Assistant Professors of the University of Lisbon, approved by the Rector Order of February 16th 2015, published in ?Diário da República?, 2nd series, No. 45, of March 5th (hereinafter referred to as Regulations). The joint order No. 373/2000, of March 31st, of the Minister of State Reform and Public Administration and the Minister for Equality, determines the obligation of announcing the following in relation to entry and access calls: "In compliance with paragraph h) of article 9 of the Constitution, the Public Administration, as the employing entity, actively promotes a policy of equal gender opportunities in accessing employment and professional development, acting scrupulously to avoid any form of discrimination.? In this sense, the terms "candidate", "recruited", "teacher" and other similar ones are not used in this notice to refer to the gender of people. Likewise, no candidate shall be privileged, benefited, prejudiced or deprived of any right or exempted from any duty on the basis of ascendancy, age, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced capacity to work, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, place of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs or union membership. In compliance with articles 37.º to 51.º from ECDU and other applicable legislation, and with the article 8.º of the Regulations, the following provisions must be followed: I ? Autorization order The opening of this recruitment procedure was authorized by the University of Lisbon Rector?s Order, dated May 8th 2021, issued after the confirmation of the existence of adequate budget provision and after the confirmation that the position is foreseen and not occupied in the ISCSP-ULisboa staff list. II - Workplace Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, located at Rua Almerindo Lessa, Campus Universitário do Alto da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal. III ? Admission requirements 1. Requirements are as follows: a) In compliance with article 40.º of ECDU, applicants must hold a PhD degree for more than five years, as well as the Aggregation title; b) Proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese - at an advanced level (C2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages). Candidates of foreign nationality, except candidates from countries with Portuguese as an official language, must be proficient at the Portuguese language, both spoken and written. This requirement has to be officially recognised through a certificate or diploma of communicative competence in the Portuguese language, obtained up to the date of the contract agreement is signed, when applicable; c) Instruct the application with the documents described in chapters IX e X of this notice. 2. The holders of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions must hold recognition of the doctoral degree in accordance with Decree-Law no. 66/2018, from August 16th. 3. The recognition of the doctorate degree, in accordance with Decree-Law no. 66/2018, from August 16th, must be obtained up to the date of the contract agreement is signed, if the candidate ranked in the eligible position has obtained a doctorate abroad. 4. Failure to submit any of the documents that must instruct the application, within the time limit provided in chapter VIII and under the terms indicated in Chapters IX and X of this notice, determines the outset the non-admission of the same, which should subject of analysis and decision of the President of ISCSP-ULisboa prior to the Jury's deliberation on absolute merit. 5. In accordance with Chapter VI of the Regulations, are applied with regard to the confirmation and fulfilment of the admission and exclusion requirements of candidates. IV ? Admission requirements based on absolute merit Candidates must hold a PhD degree for more than five years, an aggregation title and a scientific and pedagogical curriculum in the disciplinary field related to this recruitment that is compatible with the category applied. V ? Evaluation parameters and ranking based on relative merit, respective weighting and final valuation system Once identified, in definite, the candidates approved in absolute merit, their assessment and ranking in relative merit takes place. The method of assessment is that of curriculum evaluation, as provided in paragraph 6 of article 50.º of ECDU, in paragraph 4 of article 5.º and in article 11.º of Regulations and in the ranking criteria, respective weighting and final valuation system indicated in this notice. The assessment of relative merit of the candidates, with a view to their ranking, will be based on the weighted sum of the scores attributed to the evaluation criteria, on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being the minimum and 100 maximum). The candidates will be evaluated as follows: a) Scientific performance; b) Pedagogical capacity; c) Other activities relevant to the mission of the higher education institution that have been developed by the applicant, compatible with the disciplinary area in which the procedure is open, and appropriate to the category of Full Professor; d) Scientific and pedagogical project related to the development of the disciplinary area to which the present procedure in ISCSP-ULisboa refers, as stated in n.º 4 of article 5.º of the Regulations, with the overall weighting of this project being 40%. The aspects indicated in criteria 3. and 4. of the table must be considered within the scope of paragraph c), n.º 6, article 50.º of ECDU, regarding other activities relevant to the mission of the higher education institution. The evaluation of curricular activities, with an overall weighting of the activities of 60%, includes the following criteria and factors, whose weighing is as set out in the table below. The applicants must submit their curriculum according to the structure indicated below, without prejudice to being able to add in other data that they consider relevant under additional headings. CRITERIA Weighing of the Criteria FACTORS Weighing of the Factors 1. Pedagogical capacity 30% Coordination and management of pedagogical projects 20% Production of pedagogical material 25% Teaching activity 45% Evaluation of teaching activity by students 10% 2. Scientific performance 35% Scientific production 40% Coordination and implementation of scientific projects 20% Participation in research teams 20% Intervention in the scientific community 15% Promotion of scientific activity 5% 3. University Extension Activities, Scientific Dissemination and Valorisation of Knowledge 15% Normative construction activities 30% Provision of services to general community 15% Services to the scientific community 25% Services to society 25% Professional training actions 5% 4. University Management Activities 20% Activities in governing bodies 20% Activities in Scientific and Educational Coordination Units 20% Activities in Study Centres and Research Institutes 30% Activities in Post-Graduate and Specialization Courses 30% - Final scoring system All criteria will be evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100. The methodology for the seriation of candidates is set out in article 20.º of Regulations, in particular its number 5. VI ? Preferential parameters Teaching experience in the disciplinary area for which the procedure is open, such as: Semiology; Media Advisory Services; Integrated Communication; Research Methods; Contemporary Communication Studies; Fundamentals of Strategic Communication; Seminars I - Journalism and Strategic Communication; Seminars II - Research Lines. Relevant curriculum in teaching, production of pedagogical materials, tutorial guidance of students, participation in research projects, in university extension projects and national and international publications especially of Semiology; Media Advisory; Integrated Communication; Research Methods; Contemporary Communication Studies; Fundamentals of Strategic Communication; Seminars I - Journalism and Strategic Communication; Seminars II - Research Lines. Teaching experience in post-graduate education programmes in educational project areas and internationalisation of higher education. Experience of supervising master's and doctoral students in the area of Communication Sciences. Preferential parameters will only be used in case of a tie in the individual ranking list of each Jury member, presented for voting. VII ? Public hearings 1. At the first meeting the Jury will deliberate about the need for a public hearing of the candidates that have been approved in absolute merit, with the exclusive aim of clarifying the information contained in the documents submitted by the candidates, according to paragraph b), n.º 4, article 50.º of ECDU. 2. If the Jury decides to hold the aforementioned public hearings, those will have to take place between the 15th and the 30th days after the date of the jury's meeting for admission in full merit of the candidates, and the candidates shall be informed of the date and place of the public hearing at least five days in advance. 3. The aforementioned public hearings may be held by videoconference, and the Jury must guarantee that they are done in equal circumstances to all candidates. 4. The Jury may also decide to request additional documents, in compliance with paragraph a), n.º 4, article 50.º of ECDU, with the aim of clarifying the information contained in the curriculum vitae. VIII ? Submission of applications The applications must be submitted in person at the Human Resources of ISCSP-ULisboa, Rua Almerindo Lessa, Campus Universitário do Alto da Ajuda, 1300-663 Lisbon, until the end of the deadline for the submission, or alternatively be sent by registered post mail and return receipt requested, sent until the end of the deadline. IX ? Application Instructions The application must be accompanied by the following documents: a) Completion of the application form available on ISCSP-ULisboa website (https://www.iscsp.ulisboa.pt/pt/institucional/docentes/procedimentos-concursais), which is addressed to the President of ISCSP-ULisboa, requesting acceptance of the application and containing full identification, address, telephone number, email address, current employment situation and consent for communications and notifications related to this procedure can take place by electronic mail; b) Completion of a Declaration, under honor, stating that the requirements foreseen in the law and in this notice regarding the admission to the procedure are meet, available on ISCSP-ULisboa website; c) Two copies, printed or copied, of the candidate?s Curriculum Vitae, containing the scientific, pedagogical and other activities relevant to the mission of the higher education institutions carried out by the candidate mandatorily organized according to the sequence of the selection and seriation criteria and respective preferential parameters included in Chapters V and VI of the present notice; d) A copy in non-editable electronic format (pdf) of the candidate's Curriculum vitae, containing the scientific, pedagogical and other activities relevant to the mission of the higher education institutions carried out by the candidate mandatorily organized according to the sequence of the selection and seriation criteria and respective preferential parameters included in Chapters V and VI of the present notice, to be submitted in a ?pen drive?; If the candidate so chooses may include in the curriculum vitae an indication of the works that considers most representative, namely with regard to the contribution to the development and evolution of the disciplinary area and the respective curricular units; e) One copy in non-editable electronic format (pdf) of each of the published works of pedagogical, scientific, technical or other nature, to be presented in in a pen drive; f) Two copies, printed or copied, of the Scientific and Pedagogical Project, which must be written in 1.5 spaces, in Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10 font and should not exceed 40 pages; g) A copy in non-editable electronic format (pdf) of the index where are mentioned all works presented in the procedure, under the terms of paragraph d), to be submitted on a pen drive. X ? Language All the documents that accompany the application must be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English language. XI ? Composition of the Jury In accordance with articles 45.º and 46.º of ECDU and in article 14.º of Regulations, the Jury is composed by the Rector of the University of Lisbon, who presides, and by the following members: - Doutor Moisés Adão de Lemos Martins, Full Professor of Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho; - Doutor Joaquim Mateus Paulo Serra, Full Professor of Faculdade de Artes e Letras da Universidade da Beira Interior; - Doutor Gustavo Alberto Guerreiro Seabra Leitão Cardoso, Full Professor of Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas do ISCTE ? Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; - Doutor António Costa de Albuquerque de Sousa Lara, Full Professor of Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa; - Doutor Manuel Augusto Meirinho Martins, Full Professor of Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, May 17th 2021 The President, Ricardo Ramos Pinto Associate Professor with Aggregation

Vacant posts: 1

Type of contract: Permenent

Job country: Portugal

Job city: Lisboa

Job company/institute: ISCSP-ULisboa

Application deadline: 14 julho 2021

(The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)

2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data

Organization/institute: Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas

Campus Universitário do alto da Ajuda ? Rua Almerindo Lessa

Lisboa - 1300-663 Lisboa


Email: [email protected]

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