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1 post job of associate professor level, in the field of Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditio Full-time

de Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Setúbal em Setúbal (Publicado em 01-06-2021)

1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa
1. Job description


1 post job of associate professor level, in the field of Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions
Job/Fellowship Reference: Edital 611/2021- DR 2ª série nº 105 de 31 de maio invites applications for the above post within a period of thirty working days from the publication of the present announcement in the Diário da República. The position, which was created but not yet filled within the academic staff of the IPS, is governed by the career structure of the national polytechnic higher education sector at the associate professor level, in the field of Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions, and is covered by a public sector employment contract of indeterminate duration. The associate professor will carry out functions set out in section 4 article 3º of ECPDESP. The following cumulative requirements determine eligibility such that candidates must: a) Satisfy the requirements set out in subsections b) to e) of article 17º of Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas (LTFP), approved at Lei nº 35/2014, of 20 June; b) Be the holder of a doctorate or hold the title of specialist, in the specified area, or in an area linked to the area specified in the competition. 8.1. Applications must be formalized by filling in the standard application form (form A), in paper form, written in Portuguese, available on the IPS website at: https://www.si.ips.pt/ips_si/conteudos_geral.conteudos_ver?pct_pag_id=30809&pct_parametros=p_pagina=30809&pct_disciplina=&pct_grupo=672 8.2. The application (form A) must be accompanied by a simple photocopy of the qualification certificates, as proof that the candidate meets the application requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice. 8.3. When formalizing the application (form A), must also be accompanied by two copies, in digital format (pendrive / cd / dvd) containing the following documents: a) Qualification certificates, proof that the candidate meets the requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice; b) Other diplomas or certificates of the courses referred to in the curriculum vitae, as well as other documents that facilitate the formation of a judgment on the aptitudes of the candidates for the exercise of the functional content of the category of associated professor; c) Detailed curriculum vitae, dated, signed, mandatorily organized according to the evaluation grid, and without containing personal data of a confidential nature (namely affiliation, marital status, residence address, and email, mobile / telephone contacts); d) Work and proof of activities mentioned in the curriculum vitae.

Main research field: Not available

Sub research field:

Job summary:

Edital 611/2021- DR 2ª série nº 105 de 31 de maio e em www.ips.pt Applications for the above post within a period of thirty working days from the publication of the present announcement in the Diário da República. The position, which was created but not yet filled within the academic staff of the IPS, is governed by the career structure of the national polytechnic higher education sector at the associate professor level, in the field of Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions, and is covered by a public sector employment contract of indeterminate duration. The associate professor will carry out functions set out in section 4 article 3º of ECPDESP. 6. Recruitment requirements ? The following cumulative requirements determine eligibility such that candidates must: a) Satisfy the requirements set out in subsections b) to e) of article 17º of Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas (LTFP), approved at Lei nº 35/2014, of 20 June; b) Be the holder of a doctorate or hold the title of specialist, in the specified area, or in an area linked to the area specified in the competition. 8.1. Applications must be formalized by filling in the standard application form (form A), in paper form, written in Portuguese, available on the IPS website at: https://www.si.ips.pt/ips_si/conteudos_geral.conteudos_ver?pct_pag_id=30809&pct_parametros=p_pagina=30809&pct_disciplina=&pct_grupo=672 8.2. The application (form A) must be accompanied by a simple photocopy of the qualification certificates, as proof that the candidate meets the application requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice. 8.3. When formalizing the application (form A), must also be accompanied by two copies, in digital format (pendrive / cd / dvd) containing the following documents: a) Qualification certificates, proof that the candidate meets the requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice; b) Other diplomas or certificates of the courses referred to in the curriculum vitae, as well as other documents that facilitate the formation of a judgment on the aptitudes of the candidates for the exercise of the functional content of the category of associated professor; c) Detailed curriculum vitae, dated, signed, mandatorily organized according to the evaluation grid, and without containing personal data of a confidential nature (namely affiliation, marital status, residence address, and email, mobile / telephone contacts); d) Work and proof of activities mentioned in the curriculum vitae.

Job description:
Edital 611/2021- DR 2ª série nº 105 de 31 de maio e em www.ips.pt 1. Under the terms of section a) nº 1 of article 6º of the Recruitment and Appointment Regulations for Career Academic Staff of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal - IPS), as published in the Diário da República, 2ndseries, nº 35, of 18 February 2011, as set out in my dispatch of 6 November 2020, invites applications for the above post within a period of thirty working days from the publication of the present announcement in the Diário da República. The position, which was created but not yet filled within the academic staff of the IPS, is governed by the career structure of the national polytechnic higher education sector at the associate professor level, in the field of Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions, and is covered by a public sector employment contract of indeterminate duration. 2. Location ? School of Health, situated on the Setubal Campus of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (Escola Superior de Saúde ? Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal). 3. Number of posts to be filled - 1. 4. Contract regime ? Public sector employment contract of indeterminate duration, for an initial experimental period of five years according to article 10º-B of Decreto-Lei nº 185/81, of 1 de julho, altered in the Decreto-Lei nº 207/2009, of 31 de agosto, and in the Lei nº 7/2010, of 13 de maio (ECPDESP). 5. Job description ? The associate professor will carry out functions set out in section 4 article 3º of ECPDESP. 6. Recruitment requirements ? The following cumulative requirements determine eligibility such that candidates must: a) Satisfy the requirements set out in subsections b) to e) of article 17º of Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas (LTFP), approved at Lei nº 35/2014, of 20 June; b) Be the holder of a doctorate or hold the title of specialist, in the specified area, or in an area linked to the area specified in the competition. 7. Validity of the competition a) The competition is valid only for the position referred to above and ceases when the post has been filled or if applications are insufficient. b) The competition can also be terminated by a formally justified decision of the President of the IPS which respects the general principles of Portuguese public administration and the corresponding legal, regulatory and procedural limits. 8. Application form: 8.1. Applications must be formalized by filling in the standard application form (form A), in paper form, written in Portuguese, available on the IPS website at: https://www.si.ips.pt/ips_si/conteudos_geral.conteudos_ver?pct_pag_id=30809&pct_parametros=p_pagina=30809&pct_disciplina=&pct_grupo=672 8.2. The application (form A) must be accompanied by a simple photocopy of the qualification certificates, as proof that the candidate meets the application requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice. 8.3. When formalizing the application (form A), must also be accompanied by two copies, in digital format (pendrive / cd / dvd) containing the following documents: a) Qualification certificates, proof that the candidate meets the requirements referred to in paragraph 6 of this notice; b) Other diplomas or certificates of the courses referred to in the curriculum vitae, as well as other documents that facilitate the formation of a judgment on the aptitudes of the candidates for the exercise of the functional content of the category of associated professor; c) Detailed curriculum vitae, dated, signed, mandatorily organized according to the evaluation grid, and without containing personal data of a confidential nature (namely affiliation, marital status, residence address, and email, mobile / telephone contacts); d) Work and proof of activities mentioned in the curriculum vitae. 8.4. Applications must be submitted, in a closed envelope, with the proper identification of the candidate's name, the notice number published in Diário da República and the BEP offer code, in one of the following ways: a) By registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt, addressed to the President of IPS, to: Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Headquarters Building, IPS Campus, Estefanilha, 2910 761, Setúbal, until the deadline for submitting applications, valid for the date affixed to the registration as the date of dispatch, for the purpose of meeting the respective deadline; b) Delivered personally to the Human Resources Department of IPS, during office hours, by prior appointment, via email [email protected], until the deadline for submitting applications; c) Alternatively, and preferentially, the closed envelope, with the proper identification, containing the application, can be placed in the wooden box that is in front of the door of the main room of the Human Resources Department of IPS, in which case an email should also be sent to the same day to [email protected] with this information. 8.5. In order to promote the most appropriate classification of the curriculum elements, candidates must organize the curriculum vitae in accordance with the evaluation grid approved by the jury of the respective competition, as well as present the documents on the pendrives according to that same organization, with the due hyperlinks of the items referred to in the CV to the respective documents. 8.6. Failure to present the works and proof of activities mentioned in the curriculum vitae submitted by the candidate implies the non-valuation of the elements in each of the items of the evaluation grid. 8.7. Applications sent by email are not accepted. 8.8. Candidates with foreign qualifications must prove their recognition, equivalence or registration of a doctoral degree, under the terms of the applicable legislation, obtained up to the deadline for the submission of applications to this competition. 8.9. False statements will be punished under the law. 9. Selection and ranking criteria: a) Based on the elaborated and approved evaluation grid, which contains the maximum scores to be attributed in each of the criteria (Annex II), each member of the jury proceeds to evaluate the candidates, quantifying each of them quantitatively. In the event of noticeable disparities between the values proposed by the members of the jury, its Chairman must ensure that these do not result from the different application of the evaluation criteria. Then, the candidates are ranked, based on the value resulting from the simple average of the scores attributed by each member of the jury (from 0 to 100). b) If there are candidates with the same final score, the following tiebreaker criteria will be applied successively: 1) best overall score obtained in the ?Technical-scientific and professional performance? (DTCP) criterion; 2) best overall score obtained in the criterion ?Pedagogical capacity? (CP); 3) the tie remaining, by the global score obtained in the criterion "Scientific Publications" (PC). In applying these criteria, the maximum limits resulting from the application of the final classification formula will not be considered. 10. Evaluation grid: Weighing Dimensions Criteria Max. score 45% Technical-Scientific and Professional Performance in the last 5 years a) Participation in Research and Development Projects i. Active participation in research and development projects in the disciplinary area or related to the competition 7,5 points/each 15,0 Sub-total 1 15,0 b) Scientific production i. Scientific publications 7 points/each indexed publication 40,0 3 points/each publication in indexed congress minutes 4 points/each chapter of book or books ii. Communications and conferences on international congresses 2 points/each iii. Communications and conferences on national congresses 1 points/each Sub-total 2 40,0 c) Academic guidance i. Orientation or co-orientation of PhD theses, dissertations, projects or final master´s reports already concluded. 6 points/each 25,0 ii. Orientation or co-orientation of PhD theses, dissertations, projects or final master´s reports in progress 4 points/each Sub-total 3 25,0 d) Technical-scientific arbitration i. Participation in PhD jury 5 points/each 10,0 ii. Participation in specialist exams jury 3 points/each iii. Participation in master jury 3 points/each Sub-total 4 10,0 e) Professional training and participation in scientific societies i. For every 20 hours of professional training attended 0,5 points/each 10,0 ii. Participation in scientific commissions of conferences and other scientific events 2 points/each iii. Participation in commissions organizing conferences and other scientific events 1 point/each iv. Participation in scientific societies and professional, national and international societies / associations 0,5 points/each Sub-total 5 10,0 Sub-total A 100,0 0,0 45% Teaching skills a) Academic Teaching Service and UC Responsibility i. For each UC responsibility in the area for which the contest is open 4 points/each 50,0 ii. For each UC taught in the area for which the contest is open 2 points/each Sub-total 6 50,0 b) Production of Pedagogical Manuals i. Pedagogical material structured for UC in the area for which the competition is opened that shows a scientific-pedagogical organization and current information based mainly on authors from the last 10 years 5 points/each 30,0 Sub-total 7 30,0 c) Coordination of Educational Projects i. Participation in the preparation of physical therapy study plans 5 points/each 20,0 ii. Project coordination (e.g. reformulation of UC programs or courses, pedagogical module coordination) 4 points/each iii. Orientation of students in clinical context 5 points/each Sub-total 8 20,0 Sub-total B 100,0 0,0 10% Other relevant activities to the mission of the IPS in the last 5 years a) Participation in the structure and activities of scientific, pedagogical or institutional management of higher education institutions [100] i. Participation in other institutional structures, quality and evaluation commissions, research and working groups; coordination of pedagogical laboratories, scientific and pedagogical commissions, or their correspondents 5 points/each 100,0 ii. Participation in activities of dissemination, transfer of knowledge or technology, contributing to the mission of the Higher education institutions 5 points/each Sub-total 9 100,0 Sub-total C 100,0 0,0 TOTAL POINTS 300,0 0,0 11. Complementary information to the Evaluation and Selection process. 11.1. The final approved ordering list will be notified to candidates by e-mail with notification of delivery receipt, registered letter or in person and published in the web site at www.ips.pt 11.2. The minutes of the jury will be made available to applicants on request. 11.3. The documentation submitted by applicants who do not request their return within one year after the termination of the contest will be destroyed. 11.4. The documentation submitted by applicants concerning to contests in litigation appealed, may only be destroyed or returned, after the execution of the sentence. 12. The composition of the jury, is as follows: President António Manuel dos Reis Marques, Coordinator Professor and Director of the School of Health, of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, named as President of the Jury under paragraph a) of nº 1 of Article 23º of ECPDESP. Members of the jury Eduardo José Brazete Carvalho Cruz, Coordinator Professor of the School of Health, of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal; Madalena Ramos Lopes Gomes Silva, Coordinator Professor of the School of Health, of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal; Manuel Rubim Silva Santos, Coordinator Professor of the School of Health Technology, of Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Maria Cristina Damas Argel de Melo, Coordinator Professor of the School of Health Technology, of Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Rui Jorge Dias Costa, Coordinator Professor and Director of the School of Health of Aveiro, of University of Aveiro. 13. Equal opportunities - In compliance with section h) of article 9º of the Portuguese Constitution, the public administration, as employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities between men and women in access to employment and career development, taking care to avoid any form of discrimination. 14. The present notice is published in the following: a) Na In The 2nd series of the Diário da República; b) In the Public Employment Exchange, in www.bep.gov.pt, on the 1st working day following its publication in Diário da República; c) On the internet site of the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP in www.eracareers.pt in Portuguese and English; d) On the IPS website at www.ips.pt in Portuguese and English. Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 20 de abril de 2021. O Presidente, ___________________________________ Prof. Doutor Pedro Dominguinhos

Vacant posts: 1

Type of contract: Permenent

Job country: Portugal

Job city: Setúbal

Job company/institute: Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Application deadline: 14 julho 2021

(The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)

2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data

Organization/institute: Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Edificio Sede, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha

Setúbal - 2910-761


Email: [email protected]

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