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Bolsa de Investigação Full-time

de FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS E TECNOLOGIAS Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 25-05-2021)

1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa
1. Job description


Bolsa de Investigação
Referência: CRISI ADAPT II - Climate Risk Information for SupportIng ADAptation Planning and operaTion

Área científica genérica: Environmental science

Área científica específica:

Resumo do anúncio:

One Research Grant (Bolsa de Investigação) is opened within the project CRISI ADAPT II - Climate Risk Information for SupportIng ADAptation Planning and operaTion, at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT ? NOVA), funded by the EIT Climate-KIC. The Grant is opened for candidates with a BSc. degree in Environmental or Civil engineers or similar areas, enrolled in a master?s or PhD. Program at the time of application. EIT Climate-KIC is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Climate-KIC identifies and supports innovation that helps society mitigate and adapt to climate change. Research Grant duration: the Research Grant in constituted as a monthly support until December 2021. beginning probably in July 2021, not renewable. Salary and benefits: According to the regulations of the FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2019.pdf) the net salary will be of 1 104,64 EUR/month for MSc. holders and of 835,98 EUR/month for BSc. holders which will be paid monthly by bank transfer. The fellow will be covered by a personal accident?s insurance and can contribute voluntarily to the national social security system, according to Decree-Law nº 40/89, of 1 February.

Texto do anúncio
Admission Requirements: The candidate must have a BSc. or MSc (or equivalent) in a relevant field and be able to demonstrate interest and experience in water resources management, hydraulics and hydrological modelling, climate data analysis and geographic information systems. The candidate must be attending a MSc. or a PhD Program at the time of application and be able to prove it in the application or, if it can only be proved in the contract signing phase, substitute that document by a declaration of honor. The candidate must demonstrate personal interest in developing or applying quantitative modelling techniques, along with interest in developing climate change studies in water resources related issues. Experience in hydrological modeling, climate change analysis and programing skills are relevant advantages in the application. Also, high level analytical skills and an ability to develop and apply new concepts is required. The candidate must also demonstrate excellent English written and verbal communication skills, the ability to deal with a wide range of people from different educational and cultural backgrounds and of working both autonomously and within a team. Work Plan: The candidate will be integrated in the Hydraulics and Water Resources Research Lab, working under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Alexandre Diogo. The team?s research interests are focused on water resources management (quantity and quality), including the study and use of information and decision support systems and the application of mathematical models for simulating runoff and water quality in river basins, rivers and reservoirs. The project CRISI-ADAPT II (https://www.crisi-adapt2.eu/) is currently in an advanced stage and requires the follow-up of hydrological modelling tasks, including reservoir characterization, water balance modeling, data processing and climate change impacts analysis. CRISI Adapt is an international project targeting the development of a water management software tool which will provide seasonal climate risks forecasts to support water management. The Sado river basin is the focus area for the Portuguese case study and the fellowship holder will contribute for several activities within the project focusing on watershed water balances and hydrological modelling within the Sado river basin. The work plan will then focus on the hydrological modelling of the Sado river basin, both with seasonal meteorological scenarios and climate change scenarios. The project plan also includes water quality field monitoring and so it is expected from the candidate availability for field work in the study area. For more information on the project please consult https://www.crisi-adapt2.eu/. Rules and Regulations: Law n.º 40/2014 of 18th August, altered and republished by Decree-Law n.º 202/2012 of 27th August (Scientific Fellowship Statute), altered by Decree-Law n.º 233/2012 of 29th October, by Law n.º 12/2013, of 29th January, by Decree-Law n.º 89/2013, of 9th July and by Decree-Law n.º 123/2019, of 28th August; Scientific Fellowship Regulation for Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., available at: https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2019.pdf Work location and supervisor: The work is to be carried out at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA) under the scientific supervision of Prof. Paulo Alexandre Diogo. Selection methods: The candidates will be selected and ranked considering the following criteria: 1) scientific merit (30%), 2) relevant experience (e.g. hydrological modelling) (40%), 3) motivation (30%). In case it is needed candidates will be interviewed and the criteria will then be: 1) scientific merit (20%); 2) relevant experience (e.g. hydrological modelling) (30%), 3) motivation (10%) 4) interview (40%). The elected jury is constituted by Professor Paulo Alexandre Diogo (President), Professor António Carmona Rodrigues and Professor Nuno Videira.. Notification of Results: The final evaluation results will be notified, 30 days maximum counting from the last day for applications, by email, to all candidates, with the minutes and the final seriation list attached. After the notification, the candidates shall have 10 business days to pronounce regarding the decision, through the mechanism of prior hearing. The final decision will be made after the period for the prior hearing, being again notified to all candidates by email. The candidates have the right to complaint about the decision, within 10 business days from that notification (using the email that notified them) or to appeal, within 10 business days from the said notification, addressed to [email protected]. Application Procedure: The call for applications is open between the 7th to 21th of June. Applications can be submitted by email to [email protected], with ?CRISI-ADAPT Fellowship ? in the subject field, and the following (five) documents attached: 1) motivation letter (1 page); 2) Full CV (with photo); 3) Details for referees; 4) a brief description of your most relevant scientific outputs; 5) proof of registration in a PhD program or declaration of honor, as per the first paragraph.

Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato: Temporário

País: Portugal

Localidade: CAPARICA


Data limite de candidatura: 21 June 2021

(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)

2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data

Instituição de contacto: Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente (DCEA)

Campus da Caparica

Caparica - 2829-516


Email: [email protected]

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