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Phd Researcher Full-time

de Instituto Superior de Agronomia Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 17-05-2021)

1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa
1. Job description


Phd Researcher
Job/Fellowship Reference: Ref.ª ISA n.º 06/2021/ UIDP/04129/LEAF/2021

Main research field: Not available

Sub research field:

Job summary:

Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia


Notice n.º (extrato) n.º 9140/2021, 14th of may 2021

Ref.ª ISA n.º 06/2021/ UIDP/04129/LEAF/2021

1- Following the proposal made by the Scientific Council in the meeting of 16th april 2021, and after the approval by the President of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), entitled by the Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa, as stated by Ordinance no. 208/2018, dated October 26, an international call is open to fill one Post-Doctoral position, as Junior Researcher, aimed at developing research in the scientific fields of Food Engineering and Analytical Chemistry, corresponding to a public employment contract with term regarding the activities of the R&D Unit ?Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (LEAF)?, and under the framework of the pluriannual funding for 2020-2023 with reference UIDP/04129/2020, approved and financed by the State Budget through the FCT, IP. The candidate must hold a PhD degree awarded for no longer than 3 years.

Job description:

Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia


Notice n.º (extrato) n.º 9140/2021, 14th of may 2021

Ref.ª ISA n.º 06/2021/ UIDP/04129/LEAF/2021

1- Following the proposal made by the Scientific Council in the meeting of 16th april 2021, and after the approval by the President of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), entitled by the Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa, as stated by Ordinance no. 208/2018, dated October 26, an international call is open to fill one Post-Doctoral position, as Junior Researcher, aimed at developing research in the scientific fields of Food Engineering and Analytical Chemistry, corresponding to a public employment contract with term regarding the activities of the R&D Unit ?Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (LEAF)?, and under the framework of the pluriannual funding for 2020-2023 with reference UIDP/04129/2020, approved and financed by the State Budget through the FCT, IP. The candidate must hold a PhD degree awarded for no longer than 3 years.

2- Applicable laws:

a) Decree-law no. 57/2016 dated august 29, approving a Post-Doctoral contract regime established to stimulate scientific and technologic employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC), as worded by Law no. 57/2017 dated July 19, having also in consideration the Regulatory Decree no. 11-A/2017 dated December 29.

b) The general labour law for public employment (LTFP), approved by Law no. 35/2014, July 20, in its current wording and Ordinance 125-A/2019 dated April 30th.

c) Regulation no. 999/2016 dated October 31 ? Regulation of Projects Funded Exclusively by National Funds.

3 ? Under the terms of article 16 of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, dated August 29, the present call is exempted of authorization from the government members responsible for Finances and Public Administration areas, namely those mentioned in no. 3 of article 7 of the LTFP; is exempted from obtaining previous favourable consent from government members responsible for Finances and Public Administration areas, as mentioned in no. 5 of article 30 of the LFTP; and is exempted from the recruitment procedure of workers in situations of requalification, as mentioned in article no. 265 of the LFTP.

4 ? In accordance with article 13 of the RJEC, the evaluation panel for this call has the following composition: President: Isabel Maria Nunes de Sousa, LEAF Coordinator and Associate Professor with Aggregation at ISA; Effective Members: Anabela Cristina da Silva Naret Moreira Raymundo (Coordinator of LEAF?s Research Group 3 and Assistant Professor with Aggregation at ISA); and David Paulo Fangueiro (Coordinator of LEAF?s Research Group 1 and Assistant Professor at ISA); Substitute Member: Luís Filipe Sanches Goulão (Coordinator of LEAF?s Research Group 2 and Assistant Professor at ISA)..

5 ? The workplace is located at Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017, Lisbon - Portugal.

6 ? The gross monthly remuneration is ? 2.134,73, according to no. 2 of article 3 of Regulatory Decree no. 10-B/2020, dated March 23, corresponding to the level 33 of the Standard Remuneration Table, approved by the Ordinance no. 1553-C/2008 dated December 31.

7 ? The contract has the duration of 3 years and may be extended for 1-year periods up to a maximum of 6 years, unless:

a) The Scientific Council of ISA requests the termination of the contract based on an unfavourable evaluation of the researcher performance, in accordance with the School regulations. This decision must be communicated to the researcher up to 90 days before the end of the initial contract or its renovation.

b) An extinction cause mentioned on the article 289 of the LTFP is applicable.

c) The public employer, or the employee, communicates the will of not renewing the contract in a written form, up to 30 days before the end of the initial contract or its renovation, with the consequent contract expiration.

8 ? Eligible applicants are national, foreign and stateless candidates holding a doctoral degree, in a knowledge field or speciality covering Food Engineering and Analytical Chemistry scientific areas or related, as well as those to whom, according to Decree-Law no. 341/2007 dated October 12, regulated by Ordinance no. 227/2017 of July 25, the whole rights of the title of Doctor has been granted, or to whom, according to the terms of the Decree-Law no. 283/83 dated June 21, equivalence or the recognition of a doctoral degree has been granted and are also holders of a scientific and professional curriculum revealing suited profile for the activities to be developed. The equivalence, degree recognition or registry of the doctoral degree must be obtained until the term of the period conceded to sign the contract, for candidates ranked in an eligible position that obtained their doctoral degree abroad.

9 ? The general admission requirements are defined by the article no. 17 of the LTFP and special requirements are defined in the previous item.

10 ? Formalization of applications:

10.1 ? Applications are formalized by means of a dedicated submission form, available at https://www.isa.ulisboa.pt/go/nrhFormPhD, addressed to the President of ISA, stating the ref. of this notice, full name, identity card number and expiring date, or civil identification number, fiscal identification number, date and place of birth, profession, residence and contact address, e-mail address and phone number.

10.2 ? The candidate must express the consent for all communications and notifications regarding this call to be made by e-mail, using the address provided in the application form.

10.3 ? The application must be accompanied by documentation supporting the conditions stipulated on items 8 and 9, namely:

i) Copy of the doctoral degree certificate or diploma;

ii) Copy of the PhD thesis, or equivalent document for which the degree was awarded;

iii) Detailed C.V., organized as specified in items 14 and 15 below, including copies of the publications the candidate considers to be the most relevant regarding each topic of items 13 and 15;

iv) Scientific project demonstrating potential to strengthen the links between LEAF scientific areas, namely Food Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. The project should encompass activities that take advantage and value the equipment recently purchased by LEAF (GC-MS, ICP-EOS, Portable ammonia and greenhouse effect gases analyser). The proposal must be written in English and limited to a maximum of three pages (Times New Roman 11, space 1.5 and moderate margins);

v) Motivation letter;

vi) Two letters of recommendation;

vii) Other documents the candidate may find relevant for the analysis of the application.

10.4 ? Candidates must send the documents mentioned on items 10.1 - 10.3 in PDF format to the e-mail address [email protected] until the last working day before the deadline for applications, which is set at 15 working days after the publication of this notice on the Diário da República, on the Public Employment Pool, on the FCT, I.P. website and on the ISA website, both in Portuguese and English. If the candidate experiences technical difficulties or demonstrates to be impossible to submit via e-mail a document requested, (s)he can provide it in physical support within the time period mentioned above, through registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, to the postal address: Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, or by hand deliver at the same address. If the candidate?s explanation for failing in providing the required documents electronically is found not to be reasonable, the President of the Evaluation panel allows a period of 5 working days for the candidate to submit them in digital support.

11 ? By decision of the President of ISA, candidates who do not provide the documents mentioned on item 9 will not be admitted to the call. Applications missing the specific form made available or any document mentioned on subparagraphs i) to vi) of item 9.3, or that provide illegible, incorrectly filled or otherwise considered invalid documents, will be immediately excluded. The President of ISA may also request any candidate to present documentary evidence regarding the declarations made, in case of doubt and need of clarification, for the purpose of admission to the call.

12 ? False declarations will be punished according to the terms of the current legislation.

13 ? Approval on absolute merit:

13.1 ? The Evaluation panel will deliberate on its approval or rejection on absolute merit voting by supported rollcall. Abstentions are not allowed.

13.2 ?Candidates that obtain a favourable vote from more than half of the members of the evaluation panel will be considered approved on absolute merit.

13.3 ?Candidates with a scientific and curricular background considered relevant to the scientific area(s) of the competition, and in view of their suitability for the additional criteria mentioned on item 17, will be approved on absolute merit.

13.4 - Unfavourable decisions can also result from non-compliance with the Scientific Project proposed by the candidate, if considered to be insufficient and unframed in the scientific area(s), if serious inaccuracies are detected or if not supported by previous experience of the candidate.

14 ? According to article 5 of the RJEC, the selection will result from the evaluation of the scientific and curricular path of the candidates.

15 ? The evaluation of the scientific and curricular path will focus on relevance, quality and timeliness of:

a) The scientific, technological, academic and cultural or artistic production from the last five years that the candidate considers to be the most relevant.

b) The applied or practice-based research activities developed during the last five years and considered by the candidate as delivering the highest impact.

c) The activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge undertaken during the last five years, particularly in the context of promoting cultural and scientific practices, considered as most relevant by the candidate.

d) The activities of management of science, technology and innovation programs, or previous experience on researching and monitoring the scientific and technological system or the higher education sector, in Portugal or abroad.

16 ? The five-year period mentioned in the previous item may be extended by the Evaluation panel, upon the candidate?s request, if justified by suspension of the scientific activity or due to social protection measures, namely parental leave, serious or protracted illness and other legally protected causes for unavailability, when substantiated and documented.

17 - The following evaluation criteria are used, with the faculty listed in paragraph 15, and giving relevance to the curriculum vitae and to the contributions considered by the candidate as having the highest relevance in the last 5 years:

17.1 - Quality of scientific, technological, cultural or artistic production that the candidate considers to be the most relevant to the project to be developed. This criterion has an 80% weighting factor and considers:

i) Scientific publications authored or co-authored by the candidate, including books, book chapters, papers published in scientific journals and in international conferences proceedings, considering:

  • its scope;

  • its impact;

  • the scientific/technological level and the innovation;

  • the diversity and level of multidisciplinarity;

  • international collaborations;

  • the relevance of the contributions in advancing the current state-of-knowledge;

  • the relevance of the works selected by the candidate as more representatives, regarding the quality and contribution to the development and evolution of the scientific area for which the competition is opened.

(ii) Recognition by the international scientific community, taking into account:

  • prizes awarded by scientific societies;

  • coordination and participation in committees of scientific events;

  • invited keynotes and lectures in scientific meetings or in other institutions;

iii) Authorship and co-authorship of patents, models and industrial designs, taking into account their nature, territorial scope, technological level and the results obtained.

iv) Coordination and participation in research projects, taking into account the candidate?s participation and coordination role in projects with competitive funding, considering:

  • the territorial scope;

  • the project dimension;

  • the technological level and importance of the contribution;

  • innovation and diversity.

v) Scientific supervision of students, researchers and trainees, including PhD students, Masters students and undergraduate students, trainees and research fellows, and taking into account the number, quality, scope and scientific/technological impact of the resulting publications, theses, dissertations and final course works, and valuing awarded works and international recognition.

17.2 - Applied or practice-based research activities that the candidate considers having the highest impact and are relevant to the project to be developed. This criterion has a 10% weighting factor and considers:

i) Vocational training and lifelong learning actions, taking into account the participation in technological training actions aimed at citizens, industry and the public sector, and being attentive to their nature, technological readiness and results achieved.

ii) Provision of services and consultancy integrated in the institutional mission, taking into account the participation in activities engaging business environments and the public sector, and being attentive to the type of participation, size, diversity, technological readiness and innovation.

17.3 - Extension and knowledge dissemination activities, particularly in the context of the promotion of cultural and scientific practices, considered by the candidate to have high relevance and to be relevant to the project to be developed. This criterion has a weighting factor of 5% and contemplates:

i) Industrial and intellectual property.

ii) Science and technology dissemination publications, taking into account articles in national journals and conferences and other science and technology dissemination publications, attentive to its professional and social impact.

iii) Services to the scientific community and society, taking into account the participation and coordination of scientific and technological dissemination initiatives and considering the nature and results achieved in targeting:

  • the scientific community, including the organization of congresses and conferences;

  • the media;

  • industry, businesses and the public sector.

17.4 - Contribution to science, technology and innovation management activities, or previous experience on researching and monitoring the scientific and technological system or the higher education sector, in Portugal or abroad considering its relevance to the project to be developed. This criterion has a weighting factor of 5% and takes into account:

i) Positions in university, school, or research units? statutory bodies, taking into account the roles and the responsibilities of the position;

ii) Other positions, taking into account activities developed in national and international scientific organizations.

17.5 When considering the evaluation criteria listed in paragraphs 17.1 to 17.4, each member of the jury may additionally consider: i) the relevance and quality of the proposed scientific project to the topic of the call.

18 ? The Evaluation panel may select up to ¬¬3 candidates approved on absolute merit, whom will be asked to deliver a lecture, with the sole purpose of clarifying aspects relating the results of their investigation and during which the evaluators shall stimulate an open debate on its content and innovative character. This session will be appraised and will have a weighing ponderation of 10%.

19 ? If deemed necessary, the Evaluation panel may request that the candidate provides additional documentation certifying the veracity of statements, whenever relevant for the analysis and grading of the application.

20 ? Scoring of the candidates:

20.1 ? Each member of the Evaluation panel will assign to each candidate a score on every individual evaluation criteria on a scale of 0 to 5, ranking the candidates by their final classification based on the sum of all partial scores attributed to each criterion, taking into consideration the weight assigned to each parameter.

20.2 ? Candidates will be ranked through the successive voting method mentioned in article no. 20 of the General Regulation of Calls from ULisboa, point 3 and following, published by Ordinance no. 2307/2015, dated March 5.

20.3 ? The Evaluation panel will decide by absolute majority, and abstentions are not allowed.

20.4 ? The final classification of each candidate will correspond to his/her rank, as resulting from the application of the method mentioned on item 18.

21 ? Evaluation panel meetings will be compiled in minute reports, with a summary of all debates and deliberations adopted, as well as the votes cast by each of the members including information to substantiate them. Minutes will be provided to the candidates, upon request.

22 ? The President of ISA, entitled by the Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa as stated by Ordinance no. 208/2018 dated October 26, has the responsibility of approving the Evaluation panel?s final deliberation and handling the contract signature.

23 ? The list of admitted and excluded candidates, together with the final ranking, will be made available in a public location at ISA, sited at Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, and online at the ISA website. All candidates will be notified via e-mail with delivery receipt, conceding articles 110 to 114 of the Administration Procedure Code.

24 ? Previous hearing and final decision deadline: after being notified, the candidates are given 10 working days to submit a formal rebuttal. The evaluation panel?s final decisions will be rendered within 15 days counted from the deadline for the applications submission.

25 ? This call addresses solely the specific vacancy, may cease until the candidates final list approval, and expires with the job vacancy occupation.

26 ? Non-discrimination and equal access policies: ISA actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, under which no candidate can be favoured, befitted, hampered or deprived of any rights or exempt from duties based particularly on ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family circumstances, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced capacity for work, disabilities, chronic disease, nationality, ethnic origin or race, region of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.

27 ? In accordance with the Decree-Law no. 29/2001, dated February 3, candidates with disabilities will have preferential rights when evaluated with an equal score to other candidates, prevailing against any other legal preference. The candidates must state on the application form, on their honour, the level of incapacity, type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used during the selection process, under the terms of the above-mentioned Decree-Law.

Vacant posts: 1

Type of contract: Information not available

Job country: Portugal

Job city: Lisboa

Job company/institute: Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Application deadline: 07 junho 2021

(The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)

2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data

Organization/institute: Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)

Tapada da Ajuda

Lisboa - 1349 ? 017 LISBOA


Email: [email protected]

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