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Postdoctoral Research Grant (BPD) Full-time

de Universidade da Beira Interior Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 26-04-2021)

1. Descrição do cargo/posição/bolsa
1. Job description


Postdoctoral Research Grant (BPD)
Referência: Horus360_ PD1

Área científica genérica: Engineering

Área científica específica: Computer engineering

Resumo do anúncio:

We are accepting applications for 1 (one) Postdoctoral Research Grant (BPD) for the R&D Program "HORUS360 - HORUS 360º iOMS intelligent Offender Management System?, co-financed by the Portugal 2020 Program (PT 2020), in the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO 2020) and the European Union through the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), taking place at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã (Portugal), under the following conditions:

Texto do anúncio

1. Scientific Area: Computer Science Engineering

2. Admission Requirements:

  • PhD degree in Computer Science Engineering or equivalent, following the requirements of n.º 2 of the article n.º 7 of the Regulation of Research Grants of the University of Beira Interior (RBIUBI), namely:

a) The Doctorate Degree has been granted in the three years prior to the date of submission of the application.

b) The grant fellow does not exceed, with the current grant contract, including possible renewals, an accumulated period of 3 years in this type of grant, consecutive or interpolated.

  • Special relevance will be given to the candidates with experience in research and development of predictive algorithms. Competences in software engineering, and programming are a plus.

If the academic degree required for this competition has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it shall be in compliance with Decree-Law 66/2018, of 16 August and Ordinance n.º 33/2019, of 25 January (the academic degree must be recognized at the date of the contract to be concluded with the candidate to whom the scholarship is awarded).

3. Objectives work plan:

The work plan includes scientific and technological research tasks carried out to research and to develop on predictive algorithms, and knowledge-based modules in the context of Offender Management Systems. Particularly, the selected candidate will participate in the development of the following tasks: (1) state of the art on Offender Management Systems; (2) research and development of algorithms to monitor and predict relevant events in the abovementioned scientific areas; (3) test and proof of concept of the developed platform; (4) elaboration of scientific reports and articles and dissemination of the results in national and international scientific events and (5) cooperation in the development of scientific projects proposals and grants.

4. Legislation and applicable regulations:

Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August, in its current wording; Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology in force (Regulation no. 950/2019); Regulation of Research Grants of the University of Beira Interior - RBIUBI (Regulation no. 100/2020).

5. Place of Work:

The work will be developed at the ALLab - Assisted Living Computing and Telecommunications Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, under the scientific guidance of Professor Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos.

6. Duration and activity regime:

The scholarship is expected to start in June 2021 and will run for 24 months.

The activity will take place on an exclusive dedication basis, according to the RBIUBI.

7. Amount of the monthly maintenance allowance:

Monthly maintenance allowance in the amount of ? 1646.00, in accordance with the values in Annex I of the RBIUBI, updated to 2021.

To this amount is added voluntary social insurance, if the candidate chooses to be assigned, as well as personal accident insurance.

8. Selection methods:

The selection methods to be used will be composed by 2 evaluation phases, according to the following: 1st phase - Curricular evaluation; 2nd phase ? Interview, which can be performed via videoconference.

The evaluation in the 1st phase includes the following criteria: Curriculum vitae/Academic evaluation (40%); Suitability of the candidates? profile to the project based on the relevant work experience in the tasks described in the work plan (40%); Fluency in oral and written English (20%).

The 3 candidates that present the highest scores after the 1st phase will pass to the 2nd phase.

For the final evaluation, each of the evaluation phases have an assessment of 50%.

9. Composition of the Selection Jury:

Professor Nuno Gonçalo Coelho Costa Pombo (President of the Jury); Professor Bruno Miguel Correia da Silva and Professor Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos (Effective members); Professor Alexandra Sofia Ferreira Mendes (Substitute member).

10. Form of publication / notification of results:

The results of the evaluation will be publicized through a list sorted by final grade obtained, posted in a visible and public place of the Computer Science Department of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

All accepted candidates will be notified by email, and they may use the right of hearing of interested parties, under the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.

11. Application documents:

1. Documents proving the ownership of academic degrees and (can in the application stage to be replaced by a declaration of commitment of honor);

2. Cover letter explaining the interest in the position;

3. Detailed Curriculum Vitae with transcripts;

4. Copy of the relevant certificates;

5. Declaration of honor of the candidate, where he/she declares that "with the current grant contract in question, does not exceed an accumulated period of three years in this condition, consecutive or interpolated", and must also list the post-doctoral scholarships that he has already received (see template available).

Applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the above instructions may not be evaluated.

If the academic degree has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it should obey the Decree-Law 66/2018, of 16 August and Ordinance n.º 33/2019, of 25 January (the academic degree must be recognized at the date of the contract to be concluded with the candidate to whom the scholarship is awarded).

12. Application deadline:

The call is open from from 08/05/2021 until 24:00 hours of 21/05/2021.

Applications must be formalized, by sending an email of application to Professor Nuno Gonçalo Coelho Costa Pombo, with the subject ?Horus360_PD1 ? Application?, to email address [email protected].


I, [insert name], holder of a citizen / passport card no [insert], valid until [insert date], resident in [insert address], for the purposes of applying for a Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship, published by the notice [insert identification of the notice], in the scientific area of [insert], which will take place at the University of Beira Interior, I declare, under honor, that, with the conclusion of the scholarship contract in question, I will not exceed an accumulated period for three years as a Post-Doctoral fellow, either consecutive or interpolated.

[if applicable] Below I list the postdoctoral fellowships I have already received and their duration:

[insert date]

The candidate


[insert name]

Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato: Temporário

País: Portugal

Localidade: Covilhã

Instituição de acolhimento: Universidade da Beira Interior

Data limite de candidatura: 21 May 2021

(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)

2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data

Instituição de contacto: Universidade da Beira Interior - Gabinete de Inovação e Desenvolvimento

Convento de Santo António

Covilhã - 6201-001 Covilhã


Email: [email protected]

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