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Research Grant for students enrolled in a study cycle leading to a master degree
de Universidade da Beira Interior Lisboa em Lisboa (Publicado em 18-03-2021)
1. Job description
Research Grant for students enrolled in a study cycle leading to a master degree
Referência: INDTECH_4.0_LA_L1_EN
Área científica genérica: Engineering
Área científica específica: Computer engineering
Resumo do anúncio:
A call is open for 1 (one) Research Grant for students enrolled in a study cycle leading to a master degree , for the Project ?INDTECH 4.0 - Novas tecnologias para fabricação inteligente?, co-financed through the Contractual Investment Regime by the Portugal 2020 Program (PT 2020) under the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), taking place at the Departamento de Informática of the Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, under the following conditions:
Texto do anúncio
1. Scientific Area:
Computer Science and Engineering
2. Admission Requirements:
- Have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Be a student enrolled in a study cycle leading to a master?s degree in Computer Science and Engineering;
If the academic degree required for this grant has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it shall be in compliance with Decree-Law 66/2018, of 16 August and Ordinance no. 33/2019, of 25 January.
- Preference will be given to students that have experience with Computer Vision and Deep Learning and that have scientific publications related to the work plan.
3. Work plan:
The expected work includes participation in all activities of UBI in the sub-project SP2 of INDTECH 4.0, entitled Advanced Inspection Systems. Among these works are: state-of-the-art survey in artificial vision including image acquisition of specular surfaces and the use of deep neural networks (i.e. deep learning); the specification and development of the main algorithms of acquisition, processing and analysis of image and artificial intelligence in the context of the detection and identification of defects. Also included are the activities of integrating methods developed in prototypes, as well as testing them.
The objectives are to produce technical reports, develop and implement new approaches to the problems identified and write scientific articles related to the work done.
4. Legislation and applicable regulations:
Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August, in its current wording; Regulation of Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology in force (Regulation no. 950/2019); Regulation of Research Grants of the University of Beira Interior - RBIUBI (Regulation no. 100/2020).
5. Place of Work:
The work will be developed at the SOCIA laboratory of the Departamento de Informática, Universidade da Beira Interior, under the scientific guidance of Professor Luís A. Alexandre.
6. Duration and activity regime:
The scholarship is expected to start in April 2020 and end on 28/02/2022 (date of conclusion of the project).
The activity will take place on an exclusive dedication basis, according to the RBIUBI.
7. Amount of monthly maintenance allowance:
Monthly maintenance allowance, in the amount of ? 805,98, according to the values in Annex I of the RBIUBI updated at the rate of 1 % (State Budget Law 2020).
To this amount is added voluntary social insurance, if the candidate chooses to be assigned, as well as personal accident insurance.
8. Selection methods:
The selection methods to be used will be the following: curricular evaluation and interview (which can be done by videoconference), with a respective assessment of 70% and 30%.
9. Composition of the Selection Jury:
President of the Jury: Luís Alexandre
Effective members: Hugo Proença and Simão Melo de Sousa.
Substitute member: Paulo Fazendeiro.
10. Form of publication / notification of results:
The results of the evaluation will be publicized through a list sorted by final grade obtained, posted in a visible and public place of the Computer Science Department of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
All accepted candidates will be notified by email, and they may use the right of hearing of interested parties, under the terms provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
11. Application form
Applications must be formalized by sending an email of application, with the subject ?GRANT INDTECH_4.0_LA_L1_EN?, accompanied by the following documents:
1. Cover letter explaining the interest in the position;
2. Curriculum vitae;
3. Copy of Certificate(s) of qualification with transcripts;
4. Citizen card or Passport details (validity, civil identification number, tax identification number);
5. Proof of enrollment in a Higher Education Institution in a cycle of studies conferring a master degree;
6. Scientific publications considered relevant.
Applications that are incomplete or do not comply with the above instructions will not be evaluated.
12. Application deadline:
The call is open from April 4 to April 15, 2021 (24:00h).
Applications must be formalized by sending an email of application to Professor Luís Alexandre, with the subject ?GRANT_INDTECH_4.0_LA_L1_EN?, to email address [email protected].
Número de vagas: 1
Tipo de contrato: Temporário
País: Portugal
Localidade: Covilhã
Instituição de acolhimento: Universidade da Beira Interior
Data limite de candidatura: 15 April 2021
(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)
2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data
Instituição de contacto: Universidade da Beira Interior - Gabinete de Inovação e Desenvolvimento
Convento de Santo António
Covilhã - 6201-001 Covilhã
Email: [email protected]
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