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Bolsa de investigação para alunos inscritos em mestrado ou em doutoramento
de Universidade de Coimbra Coimbra em Coimbra (Publicado em 28-01-2021)
1. Job description
Bolsa de investigação para alunos inscritos em mestrado ou em doutoramento
Referência: ?5G: Components and Services for 5G networks? (reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024539_719452
Área científica genérica: Not available
Área científica específica:
Resumo do anúncio:
A call for one research fellowship is open, in the framework of the project ?5G: Components and Services for 5G networks? (reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024539, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the ?Portugal 2020? (PT2020) program, within the framework of the System of Incentives to Research and Technological Development (SII&DT) and the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE2020)
Texto do anúncio
A call for one research fellowship is open, in the framework of the project ?5G: Components and Services for 5G networks? (reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024539, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the ?Portugal 2020? (PT2020) program, within the framework of the System of Incentives to Research and Technological Development (SII&DT) and the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE2020), in the following conditions:
Scientific area: Computer Science or similar.
Admission requirements:
Master?s Degree in Computer Science or similar, enrolled in a Doctoral Program in Computer Science or similar, or Degree in Computer Science or similar, enrolled in a Master?s Degree in Computer Science or similar
(Preference will be given to candidates with a Master Degree. Candidates only with a degree will only be considered if there are no candidates with a Master Degree or with a Master Degree outside the field of expertise requested in the call) .
Work plan:
- Characterization of the state-of-the-art in the area of security mechanisms for critical applications in 5G Networks;
- Design of security mechanisms for the critical IoT 5G applications, at the infrastructure level, particularly regarding railway control, smart grids and wearable applications;
- Assessment of the proposed mechanisms;
- Participation in the integration and evaluation phase of the project.
- Participation in the project dissemination and impact tasks.
Regime: The attribution of the fellowship does not generate or entitle a relation of a legal-labour nature, and the fellowship is undertaken in an exclusive dedication regime. The fellow is granted with the Fellow Statute of the UC, in its current wording, according to the Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, and according to the Regulation of Research Grants of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., both in their current wording.
Location: Departamento de Engenharia Informática, da Faculdade de Ciências Tecnologia - (FCTUC-DEI at the University of Coimbra.
Duration: 3 months.
Renewal: Eventually renewable.
Scientific orientation: Professor António Jorge da Costa Granjal.
Financial conditions: The amount of the grant is ? 1074,64 or 805,98 corresponding to the monthly compensation stipulated in the FCT table (, plus personal accidents insurance. The payment will be made by bank transfer. This amount will not be increased during the entire period of the grant duration.
Selection methods: CV Evaluation.
Selection criteria:
The evaluation of the CV will focus:
- Academic performance in subjects in the areas of Wireless Network Management and Programming and Security (40%)
- Master Degree or Degree Average (40%)
- Scientific Publications and Communications (10%)
- Motivation (10%).
Jury responsible for selection: Professor António Jorge da Costa Granjal, Professor Marília Pascoal Curado and Professor Vasco Nuno Sousa Simões Pereira .
Formalization of application: The applications must be performed by sending the following mandatory elements:
1- cover/motivation letter
2- detailed curriculum vitae including academic titles
3- copy of certificates of the academic titles with grades for all courses
4- copy of top publications
5- proof of registration in the PhD program or Master?s Degree
6-Candidate's declaration of honor on the benefit of other previous scholarships awarded under the current FCT Scholarship Regulation.
Candidates with foreign academic diplomas are obliged to present records of the recognition of such diplomas according to the Portuguese law.
Applications submission: Applications should be sent by email to: [email protected] and [email protected], clearly indicating the application reference "5G-719452?.
Submission of applications: Between 28/01/2021 and 10/02/2021.
Publication date: 27/01/2021.
Submission deadline date: 10/02/2021.
Additional information: The evaluation results will be announced within 90 days after the end of the applications submission deadline, by notifying the applicants via email. After the announcement of the results, candidates are considered automatically notified to, if they wish to do so, comment on the results on a preliminary hearing period within 10 days after that date. After this, the selected candidates will have to declare in writing their acceptance. Unless a justification worthy of consideration is presented, if the declaration is not submitted within the referred period, it is considered that the candidate waivers the grant. In case of resignation or withdrawal of the selected candidate, the next candidate with the highest evaluation score will be notified immediately.
Número de vagas: 1
Tipo de contrato: Temporário
País: Portugal
Localidade: Coimbra
Instituição de acolhimento: Universidade de Coimbra
Data limite de candidatura: 10 February 2021
(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)
2. Dados de contactos da organização
2. Organization contact data
Instituição de contacto: Identificação da Instituição: Universidade de Coimbra
Edifício da Faculdade de Medicina, 1.º andar, Pólo I, Rua Larga
Coimbra - 3004-504
Email: [email protected]
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